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Asekio Announcement

by Hannes Wideteg, 8th of August 2023

Today, we are excited to show you Asekio - the AI website builder that works from your phone. We’ll go through some of our features and what you can expect from our launch on the 8th of September, this year - and how to get early access.

What is Asekio?

Asekio is an AI powered website builder like no other. You describe what kind of website you would like to have, and Asekio builds it for you. Asekio helps you with layout, design, color schemes, and fonts but also with picking out pictures and writing suitable texts for your website. Normally, this process would take days for a regular web agency, but with Asekio it takes less than 29 seconds.

On our website (asekio.com) you can see real videos and examples of how websites are generated and edited using Asekio.

What can you expect from the launch?

Our roadmap will evolve together with our customers, so if you want to impact the direction of development - join our discord! As for the launch of September 8, here are the features you can expect:

- A complete website builder that works from your phone

- AI that assists with design, colors, copywriting and images

- Support for multiple pages

- GDPR-compliant cookie-free statistics for website visitors and pageviews

- Blogging / news / article support

- Hosting, SSL & domain is included

Our primary target audience is small business owners who would like their website to “just work”. That’s why we have re-imagined what a website builder should do and how it should work. Asekio looks and feels like any ordinary app, but building and editing your website through it feels like a breeze, as Asekio automatically solves time-consuming and technical issues for you and makes suggestions on what to improve or do next.

If you’re interested in trying out Asekio before the official launch, sign up on our website and we’ll be in touch. We will be onboarding early access users, starting next week, to get feedback and make sure the quality is good.

Who is behind Asekio?

We are a dedicated team of people with diverse backgrounds, from e-commerce, business intelligence, finance and agency work. The last couple of years we’ve custom-built websites together with small businesses to try to learn their struggles, to build the best possible experience for people that want a great online experience and as few problems as possible.

Build Your Website in Just 29 Seconds with AI

Inside Asekio

"Create Any Website in 29 Seconds with AI!"